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A brief overview of Linescale

Linescale® predicts customer behavior using better psychometrics.

Until the Linescale, there really wasn't a way to measure the competitive context, multi-dimensionality and inertia that goes into how people make decisions about new products. Researchers did the best they could with the tools they had. We made a custom tool for this specialized task. It's like an NPS measure for that which doesn't exist yet.

What is a Linescale?

It looks like a six-point Likert scale. But, it can be "sticky" in that it can remember and display previous ratings allowing direct comparison.

Each respondent creates their own implicit set of evaluative criteria on which they rate both familiar benchmarks and new ideas - analagous to generating an NPS rating for something not yet experienced.

Below is an example of a Linescale after a business traveller identified and rated her usual business hotel. She also rated business hotel alternatives available in general. This is now a familar competitive context for her to evaluate your new idea in business travel. This allows relevant and direct paired comparisons using each person's own criteria.

These become personal benchmarks anchoring their own personal evaluative scale.

Now your new idea will be shown and rated twice on this same scale. First, a brief overview for a quick, “thinking fast” evaluation. Then a second exposure with more detail for a thoughtful, “thinking slow” evaluation. Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman taught we have two "Thinking Systems;" an immediate intuitive first impression "Thinking, Fast" — or System 1 thinking. And, a slower, more logical deliberation and evaluation - "Thinking, Slow" — or System 2 thinking. Both are critical to understand how people perceive, think, decide and take action. Understanding both is critical to PREDICT BEHAVIOR.

Direct Competitive Comparison.

High ratings and consumer applause are nice, but you need to know if your product will displace competition, not just whether people like it. ANSWER THE REAL QUESTION: Will they "give up what they are doing today" to get your new idea.

To answer this question, respondents then rate the idea on several other dimensions plus recommendation. Now you have a Benchmarked normative concept test and can identify who and how many are ACCEPTORS or BORDERLINE or INDIFFERENT or REJECTORS of your Brand, Ad, Product, Program or New Idea.

What is an Acceptor?
A Linescale Acceptor is a potential Future Promoter

An Acceptor will choose your brand in place of what they do today IF it is available, marketed effectively and will also be a loyal repeater if the product delivers the promise. Our proprietary algorithm has been validated over decades with thousands of tests, real-world marketplace results and post market analysis by clients.

What will you learn?
  • HOW MANY are Acceptors
  • WHO they are
  • WHAT their favorite currently is
  • WHERE your volume will come from, what brands will you displace
  • WHY they prefer you to their favorite
  • and, WHAT is driving rejection
  • WHAT would it take to turn Borderlines into Acceptors.
Deep Engagement

Each person sees their score and what it means, is asked if they agree or disagree - most agree. Agreement builds commitment. When we ask "WHY this rating?", because engaged, they tell us QUALITATIVELY what was salient, important. Then quantify their reasons by choosing five key factors from a list of positive and negative reasons. Driver Analysis lets us contrast Acceptor reasons with Rejectors or Borderlines reasons to QUANTITATIVELY show what's great about your idea, what's weaker, and what needs to change to turn Borderlines to Acceptors. Next steps become clear.

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